A £265k investment to refurbish science classrooms and main boiler room
Project Requirements
- Key Issues: In 2019 investments at the academy focused on the replacement of two science labs and the replacement of the boilers to the main building.
- Project Value: £265k
- Delivery: 6 week programme completed Aug ‘19
- Architect & CA: PCH
- Contractor: Shield Interior (Science Labs) and EPPH (boilers)
Opportunities and Benefits
- The trust and the academy worked with PCH to procure the works at the academy. Due to budget pressures packages were separated to afford some science lab refurbishments and the replacement of boilers.
- The science department requires a number of rooms to be replaced but this year concentrated on the two rooms fronting the academy.
- The end of life oil boilers and tanks were replaced with new gas boilers and asbestos contained in the boiler room was removed.
Before science classroom refurbishment After science classroom refurbishment Before boiler refurbishment After boiler refurbishment
Academy Principal Statement
“At our academy, we are committed to raising the aspirations of our students and the local community, and delivering a first-class education. This work is part of a multiple phase refurbishment programme to ensure our students have an educational environment that both facilitates their learning and inspires them to achieve their full potential. Students and staff will benefit hugely, as we take another step on our journey from ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’.”
Boiler Room and Science Classroom Refurbishment