The Building Blocks of School Estate Management
23rd April 2025, 9:00am-3:30pm – Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy, Pelsall

This year we’re getting back to basics and focussing on the fundamental ‘building blocks’ for maintaining an effective school estate.
Key themes will include
- Suitability & Capacity;
- Developing Professional Competence for Estates and FM staff;
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the Estates Workforce;
- Addressing Building Condition Issues;
- Delivering Successful Capital Projects;
- The role of Estates in Student Safeguarding and Wellbeing.
We’ll bring together a mixture of industry experts and practitioners working within schools, to share knowledge, insight and best practice on these key issues faced by schools.
Join us for a full day of networking and CPD with colleagues and specialists from the school estates sector!
Register to attend here:
If you are a representative of a school trust then please do register to join us find further information below and book your free place at our next conference…
About The Trust Network
Established in 2014, The Trust Network is an independently run peer network, dedicated to good school estates management. We are managed by our members and for our members and share best practice and knowledge through regular events and webinars. We provide a single voice to discuss issues at a national level with the DofE and other national agencies.
Members will receive TTN News and Updates via our regular newsletters, opportunities to network and access to free resources, events and webinars. Not a member yet? Join The Trust Network today!